Validation of Data Dictionary and Joins

Hello I’m exploring the data sets and wanted to verify the data dictionary and join keys:

Dataset 1: changesByDate

Column Name Data Type Description
Date Date The date of the entry, indicating when the changes were logged.
OPEN Integer The number of supercharge stations that opened on the specified date.
PERMIT Integer The number of supercharge stations for which permits were issued on the specified date.
CONSTRUCTION Integer The number of supercharge stations that were under construction on the specified date.

Dataset 2: allSites

Column Name Data Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier for each supercharging station entry.
locationId String A unique location identifier for the supercharging station, typically a descriptive string.
name String Name or description of the supercharging station, often including the city and state or region.
status String Current operational status of the station (e.g., OPEN, CLOSED).
address Object Nested structure containing detailed address information.
- street String Street address of the supercharging station.
- city String City where the supercharging station is located.
- state String State or province where the supercharging station is located.
- zip String Postal code for the supercharging station location.
- countryId Integer Numeric identifier for the country where the station is located.
- country String Country where the supercharging station is located.
- regionId Integer Numeric identifier for the region where the station is located.
- region String Region where the supercharging station is located (e.g., North America, Europe).
gps Object Nested structure containing GPS coordinates.
- latitude Float Latitude of the supercharging station.
- longitude Float Longitude of the supercharging station.
dateOpened Date Date when the supercharging station was opened.
stallCount Integer Number of charging stalls available at the station.
counted Boolean Indicates whether the station’s stall count is included in Tesla’s official network count.
elevationMeters Integer Elevation of the station in meters above sea level.
powerKilowatt Integer Maximum power output of the chargers at the station, in kilowatts.
solarCanopy Boolean Indicates whether the station is equipped with a solar canopy.
battery Boolean Indicates if there is battery storage available at the station.
otherEVs Boolean Indicates if chargers are compatible with electric vehicles other than Tesla.
statusDays Integer Number of days the station has maintained its current status.
urlDiscuss Boolean Indicates if a URL or forum link for discussion about the station is available.
stalls Object Detailed information about types of charging stalls available at the station.
- v2 Integer Number of version 2 Tesla supercharger stalls.
- v3 Integer Number of version 3 Tesla supercharger stalls.
- v4 Integer Number of version 4 Tesla supercharger stalls.
- accessible Integer Number of accessible stalls available for disabled access.
- trailerFriendly Integer Number of stalls accessible for vehicles with trailers.
plugs Object Details about the types and numbers of charging plugs available at the station.
- tpc Integer Number of Tesla proprietary connector plugs.
- nacs Integer Number of North American Charging Standard plugs.
- ccs1 Integer Number of Combined Charging System version 1 plugs.
- ccs2 Integer Number of Combined Charging System version 2 plugs.
- gbt Integer Number of Chinese GB/T standard plugs.
- multi Integer Number of multi-standard plugs that support more than one type of connector.
- type2 Integer Number of Type 2 connector plugs (common in Europe).
parkingId Integer An identifier for the parking facility where the charging station is located.
facilityName String Name of the facility where the charging station is housed (e.g., shopping center, parking lot).
facilityHours String Operating hours of the facility where the charging station is located.
plugshareId Integer Identifier for the station on PlugShare, a popular EV charging station locator and review platform.
osmId Integer Identifier for the station on OpenStreetMap, providing mapping details.
accessNotes String Additional notes about accessing the charging station, such as required adapters or restrictions.

Dataset 3: allChanges

Column Name Data Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier for the change record.
siteId Integer Identifier linking to a specific supercharging site.
date Date The date when the change was recorded.
changeType String Type of change made (e.g., ‘ADD’, ‘UPDATE’).
siteStatus String Current status of the site after the change (e.g., ‘OPEN’, ‘CONSTRUCTION’).
prevStatus String Previous status of the site before the change, if any.
stallCount Integer Number of charging stalls after the change.
prevCount Integer Number of charging stalls before the change, if known.
powerKilowatt Integer Power capacity of the site in kilowatts after the change.
notify Boolean Indicates whether notifications for the change were sent out.
siteName String Descriptive name of the supercharging site.
regionId Integer Numeric identifier for the region where the site is located.
region String Name of the region where the site is located (e.g., ‘Asia Pacific’, ‘Europe’).
countryId Integer Numeric identifier for the country where the site is located.
country String Country where the site is located.
state String State or province where the site is located.
site Object Detailed information about the site including its complete address, GPS coordinates, and more.
- locationId String A unique location identifier specific to each site.
- address Object Nested structure containing detailed address information.
– street String Street address of the supercharging site.
– city String City where the supercharging site is located.
– state String State or province where the supercharging site is located.
– zip String Postal code for the supercharging site location.
– countryId Integer Numeric identifier for the country where the site is located.
– country String Country where the site is located.
– regionId Integer Numeric identifier for the region where the site is located.
– region String Region where the site is located.
- gps Object Nested structure containing GPS coordinates.
– latitude Float Latitude of the supercharging site.
– longitude Float Longitude of the supercharging site.
- dateOpened Date Date when the supercharging site was opened.
- stallCount Integer Number of charging stalls at the site.
- counted Boolean Indicates whether the station’s stall count is included in Tesla’s official network count.
- elevationMeters Integer Elevation of the site in meters above sea level.
- powerKilowatt Integer Power capacity of the chargers at the site, in kilowatts.
- solarCanopy Boolean Indicates whether the site is equipped with a solar canopy.
- battery Boolean Indicates if there is battery storage available at the site.
- otherEVs Boolean Indicates if chargers are compatible with electric vehicles other than Tesla.
- statusDays Integer Number of days the site has maintained its current status.
- urlDiscuss Boolean Indicates if a URL or forum link for discussion about the site is available.
- stalls Object Detailed information about types of charging stalls available at the site.
– v2 Integer Number of version 2 Tesla supercharger stalls.
– v3 Integer Number of version 3 Tesla supercharger stalls.
– v4 Integer Number of version 4 Tesla supercharger stalls.
– accessible Integer Number of accessible stalls available for disabled access.
– trailerFriendly Integer Number of stalls accessible for vehicles with trailers.
- plugs Object Details about the types and numbers of charging plugs available at the site.
– tpc Integer Number of Tesla proprietary connector plugs.
– nacs Integer Number of North American Charging Standard plugs.
– ccs1 Integer Number of Combined Charging System version 1 plugs.
– ccs2 Integer Number of Combined Charging System version 2 plugs.
– gbt Integer Number of Chinese GB/T standard plugs.
– multi Integer Number of multi-standard plugs that support more than one type of connector.
– type2 Integer Number of Type 2 connector plugs (common in Europe).
parkingId Integer An identifier for the parking facility where the charging station is located.
facilityName String Name of the facility where the charging station is housed (e.g., shopping center, parking lot).
facilityHours String Operating hours of the facility where the charging station is located.
plugshareId Integer Identifier for the site on PlugShare, a popular EV charging station locator and review platform.
osmId Integer Identifier for the site on OpenStreetMap, providing mapping details.
accessNotes String Additional notes about accessing the charging station, such as required adapters or restrictions.
dateFormatted String Formatted date string representing the date of the change.

Joins Summary

Join Type Primary Dataset Secondary Dataset Join Key(s) Description
Join by Site ID allChanges_df allsites_df siteId in allChanges_df to id in allsites_df Links change records to the specific sites, providing complete site details for each change.
Join by Location ID allChanges_df allsites_df site.locationId in allChanges_df to locationId in allsites_df Provides a direct link if the change records include specific location identifiers matching the allsites dataset.
Join by Region and Country allsites_df allChanges_df regionId and countryId in both datasets Allows aggregation or analysis of changes based on regional or country-specific data, enhancing geographical insights.
Date-based Join changesByDate_df allChanges_df Date in changesByDate_df to date in allChanges_df Correlates specific date-based changes from allChanges_df with aggregated daily changes in changesByDate_df.
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Hey, just wanted to let you know that I just saw this post and will try to get back to you soon with a more thorough answer. At a glance I don’t see any glaring issues with anything you’ve written. But please note that the allChanges endpoint hasn’t been released yet, it’s currently only available on a development server. I’m hoping to get it onto our test instance tonight (or some time this week).

Welcome, and thanks for exploring and asking! (And for documenting!)

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Maybe missing stalls urban?

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I’ve copied most of your content below and put suggested changes/additions in bold text. Hope this helps and happy to discuss any of it further. If you don’t mind, we might even borrow some of it to build out more “official” documentation. :slight_smile:

Dataset 1: changesByDate

This can be generalized to:

Column Name Data Type Description
Date Date The date of the entry, indicating when the changes were logged.
{STATUS} Integer The number of supercharge stations that were updated with the given status on the given date. {STATUS} can be any of the following: CLOSED_PERM, CLOSED_TEMP, VOTING, PLAN, PERMIT, CONSTRUCTION, EXPANDING, OPEN.

Dataset 2: allSites

Each site:

Column Name Data Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier for each supercharging station entry.
locationId String A unique location identifier for the supercharging station, typically a descriptive string.
name String Name or description of the supercharging station, often including the city and state or region.
status String Current operational status of the station (e.g., OPEN, CLOSED).
address Object Nested structure containing detailed address information.
- street String Street address of the supercharging station.
- city String City where the supercharging station is located.
- state String State or province where the supercharging station is located.
- zip String Postal code for the supercharging station location.
- countryId Integer Numeric identifier for the country where the station is located.
- country String Country where the supercharging station is located.
- regionId Integer Numeric identifier for the region where the station is located.
- region String Region where the supercharging station is located (e.g., North America, Europe).
gps Object Nested structure containing GPS coordinates.
- latitude Float Latitude of the supercharging station.
- longitude Float Longitude of the supercharging station.
dateOpened Date Date (if any) when the supercharging station was opened.
hours String For sites that are not open 24/7, text indicating hours of availability for charging. (Note this is separate from the “facilityHours” field.) If this field is missing/null/blank, the site is available for charging 24/7.
stallCount Integer Number of charging stalls available at the station.
counted Boolean Indicates whether the station’s stall count is included in Tesla’s official network count.
elevationMeters Integer Elevation of the station in meters above sea level.
powerKilowatt Integer Maximum power output of the chargers at the station, in kilowatts.
solarCanopy Boolean Indicates whether the station is equipped with a solar canopy.
battery Boolean Indicates if there is battery storage available at the station.
otherEVs Boolean Indicates if chargers are compatible with electric vehicles other than Tesla. (Note: use this in conjunction with the “plugs” field to determine whether an adapter is required.)
statusDays Integer For sites that are not OPEN, number of days since the site changed to its current status. (For OPEN sites, use the “dateOpened” field instead.)
urlDiscuss Boolean Indicates if a URL or forum link for discussion about the station is available.
stalls Object Detailed information about types of charging stalls available at the station.
- urban Integer Number of urban Tesla supercharger stalls.
- v2 Integer Number of version 2 Tesla supercharger stalls.
- v3 Integer Number of version 3 Tesla supercharger stalls.
- v4 Integer Number of version 4 Tesla supercharger stalls.
- other Integer Number of stalls of unknown or other type/version.
- accessible Integer Number of accessible stalls designated for disabled access.
- trailerFriendly Integer Number of stalls accessible for vehicles with trailers.
plugs Object Details about the types and numbers of charging plugs available at the station.
- tpc Integer Number of Tesla proprietary connector plugs.
- nacs Integer Number of North American Charging Standard plugs.
- ccs1 Integer Number of Combined Charging System version 1 plugs.
- ccs2 Integer Number of Combined Charging System version 2 plugs.
- gbt Integer Number of Chinese GB/T standard plugs.
- multi Integer Number of stalls that support more than one type of connector (e.g. via multiple cables or MagicDock).
- other Integer Number of plugs of unknown or other type/version.
- type2 Integer Number of Type 2 connector plugs (AKA Mennekes, common in Europe).
parkingId Integer An identifier for the parking rules and fees where the charging station is located. (See Dataset 4 below.)
facilityName String Name of the host or primary facility where the charging station is housed (e.g., shopping center, parking lot).
facilityHours String Operating hours of the host or primary facility where the charging station is located. (Note: This is separate from the “hours” field. If this field is blank or missing, the facility’s hours are simply unknown / not recorded.)
plugshareId Integer Identifier for the station on PlugShare, a popular EV charging station locator and review platform.
osmId Integer Node Identifier for the station on OpenStreetMap, providing mapping details.
accessNotes String Additional notes about accessing the charging station, such as site-specific parking rules/fees/hours, required adapters or restrictions.
addressNotes String Additional notes about locating the charging station, such as which entrance to use, what level of the garage, etc.

Dataset 3: allChanges

Column Name Data Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier for the change record.
siteId Integer Identifier linking to a specific supercharging site.
date Date The date when the change was recorded.
changeType String Type of change made (e.g., ‘ADD’, ‘UPDATE’).
siteStatus String Current status of the site after the change (e.g., ‘OPEN’, ‘CONSTRUCTION’).
prevStatus String Previous status of the site before the change, if any.
stallCount Integer Number of charging stalls after the change.
prevCount Integer Number of charging stalls before the change, if known.
powerKilowatt Integer Power capacity of the site in kilowatts.
notify Boolean Indicates whether notifications for the change were sent out.
siteName String Descriptive name of the supercharging site.
regionId Integer Numeric identifier for the region where the site is located.
region String Name of the region where the site is located (e.g., ‘Asia Pacific’, ‘Europe’).
countryId Integer Numeric identifier for the country where the site is located.
country String Country where the site is located.
state String State or province where the site is located.
site Object Detailed information about the site including its complete address, GPS coordinates, and more. Same fields as Dataset 2. Note that some of the top-level fields in the “allChanges” dataset (e.g. powerKilowatt, region, country, state) are redundant copies of what’s in the “site” object and might be removed or changed in a future release.
dateFormatted String Formatted date string representing the date of the change.

Dataset 4: parking

There are currently only 7 rows in this lookup table; it is meant to indicate a general policy (e.g. free always vs sometimes, self vs valet, etc). It is NOT meant to be a detailed, site-specific value.

Column Name Data Type Description
parkingId Integer Unique identifier.
name String Short name of parking rules and fees (e.g. “Free at all times” or “Paid - self parking”).
description String Detailed description of parking rules and fees.

Joins Summary

Not sure specifically what you were looking for here. For joining among datasets, I generally recommend using siteId, regionId, or countryId. Use locationId only for joining with Tesla’s own data.


I’m happy to collaborate with you on building out official documentation, let me know how I can help. Also, I just wanted to check-in and see if the production endpoints have been updated / are available yet. No rush. Thanks, Chevan

Ah yes – 4.1.0 was released on May 15, I think a couple hours after I posted my previous reply here. Sorry, I meant to follow up here but forgot :slight_smile: …and actually I still have a few other posts elsewhere that need follow-up.

I’ll tag in @corywright & @Rovastar on the question of how best to help with documentation. Short answer is I’m not sure what would be best but I expect we’re open to ideas. We do have an overview-level API reference which I recently updated, and @Rovastar has been documenting a few things via other forum posts, but beyond that I’d say we don’t have a ton of reference materials currently. Thank you for the offer!

Maybe create a documentation repo on github and link changes from the API as issues to keep them sync’d? also @corywright shared 3 API links with me. Are those public links? Are they published anywhere?

I think it’d be better to keep the documentation in the primary API repository, that way any changes to the API could be committed with corresponding documentation updates.

There is a “documents” directory that contains some existing API documentation in .ods format. Might be nice to have it in a more easily readable/editable format such as markdown.

If you would like to contribute documentation (which would be greatly appreciated!), perhaps clone the repository and begin adding to the documents directory. Then submit a pull request on github to have those changes reviewed and added to the primary repository.

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Should I create a branch for my local changes? Do you have a naming convention for branches?

We don’t have any conventions for branch name. Maybe prefix your branches with docs- or something that would give an indication of what the branch is addressing.

I converted the api-reference spreadsheet into a markdown document. Not sure what I’m looking at there to provide more detail. Any help?

You’re looking at the complete set of possible API links, with a rough summary of what each link does. So, for example, your “dataset 1” above (changesByDate) is represented on row 6 of the spreadsheet. It’s within the “ChangeLogController” section because that’s the name of the Java file that contains the logic that returns “dataset 1.”

Does that help?

Correction: it’s not quite complete. I just found several other endpoints that weren’t documented at all. Looks like you haven’t created a fork yet, so I’ll try to get the existing doc updated ASAP, at least in one of my branches.

API reference updates are part of the latest PR on GitHub, which also includes another endpoint (restricted to editors).