Supercharger sites' data which need updating or contain errors

Thank you, site has been updated

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Thanks! UPDATE: The site actually went down on September 6, 2024 around 7:41pm when a Tahoe crashed in the parking lot and took out at least one stall and possibly the high-voltage wiring to the entire site.


First time contributing here. We own a Model Y and have pulled our NuCamp Tag teardrop trailer for about 13K miles so far with it. I was noticing the map and listings can now be sorted by trailer friendly Superchargers. I would like to suggest 3 updates and may be coming up with more as I give this additional thought.

Perry, OK - all 6 stalls are trailer friendly.
Aberdeen, WA - all 8 stalls are trailer friendly.
Forks, WA - 1 stall is trailer friendly.

And just wanted to double check that this is where I should be posting these suggestions? Do I also need to post pictures?

Thanks! Eric

A post was split to a new topic: Supercharger - Jastrebarsko, Croatia

A second location in Tyler, Texas is now “in development”.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Supercharger - Jamné, Czech Republic

Indianapolis, IN - S Service Road.

Can you please correct to Indianapolis- S Service Road, IN to fit the normal US/Canadian naming?

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Delete the Richburg, SC supercharger site. It’s no longer shown on Tesla’s map.

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