Supercharger - Roye, France

Construction débutée pour le SuC de Roye

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Update des coordonnées : 49.70942, 2.77335

I passed by today and checked the progress. Could this be the biggest SuC in Europe with 54 stalls?! I counted 13 bases for the cabinets. Also, looks like multiple solar canopies are coming.


According to the Tesla Website, this Supercharger is now open !

Do you know if it’s active? It doesn’t show up in the app and “Charge Other EV” leads to a 404.
Do you know how many stalls are installed? Not all foundations are currently used.

Never mind, two minutes later it works.

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I will check tomorrow if it’s active

The supercharger is open to all, 32 stales, 1 for trailler

But the half of the parking has no charger

The remain parking is pre equiped for futur charger

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Confirmation from X tesla account

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