Purple ticks?

Hmm! Do any of these purple tick sites actually add anything?

I don’t think unsubstantiated gossip should be enough.

They’re all sites listed in the latest Tesla Suoercharger map update. It’s not speculation .Tesla plans on updating the map monthly.We’ll see if that actually happens, since Tesla doesn’t have the best track record on timelines

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…and if you don’t like the purple markers, you can filter them out:


I can give an example, in the context of Australia/New Zealand sites, which I mostly focus on.

I noticed that while in some cases, Tesla’s grey markers were in generic spots (the town name, a major intersection, etc), there were others that were in specific locations - that also happened to be common locations for superchargers, such as shopping centres, council car parks, and so on.

In many cases, these aligned with sites that were already on supercharge.info - such as a location that was already under construction, or one that was confirmed by another source such as a council document or list of government grants. To me, this demonstrated that the “specific site” grey dots did have some credibility.

At this point, I added the purple “plan” marker for any precisely located sites (that didn’t already have orange/blue marker).

What I didn’t include, however, were any of the grey dots which are just at generic town intersections. This shows Tesla hasn’t identified an address, and if there’s no address, no point having it on the map (IMHO).

I can’t speak for how it’s handled in other regions. Different countries having slightly different standards isn’t new on supercharge.info - e.g. in the United States, every supercharger will have a permit, so they are generally strict on needing the permit before getting the “blue dot”, but in Australia, it’s not always required - maybe a quarter of them did - so any third party source was enough.

Before adding the first of these purple “plan” markers (they’re a relatively new feature) I would also post in the relevant TMC forums (e.g. Australia, New Zealand) before adding to see what other community members thought.

[Edit: The entire post above is in regard to purple question marks, not purple ticks! Sorry for the confusion. We don’t use the purple ticks at all in Australia]


Hmm. Thanks for the responses but I might now be a little more confused.

The tick explanation on this page says:
" Plan : Placeholder for expected or rumored site."

I can’t find any of the UK ticks on this page - even the Hull (Voting Winner), Cirencester (Permit) or any of the ones that DO show on the map (eg Wakefield). I know the 'coming soon’s used to appear in this list. I suspect this is a recent change made by Tesla.

There was a flurry of UK additions on Sunday. Is it reliant on some interested person in each country to go through and update or is there a central process to scrape the Tesla data.

I note that France (for example) has always had very small or zero permit and construction sites listed in the chart tab but had put this down to their being less ‘zealots’ (and possibly laxer planning requirements). Surely they will have a similar number in each to other similarly sized countries.

The ticked ones are voting winners on the Tesla Find Us Map site (shown in gold there) that is what we link to (click on the T)
These are in the planning stage hence the same colour as plan icons.

Tesla has many different ways showing superchargers, find us map, find us list, APIs, in car, in app, journey planning and sometimes all these can be different. Also there are ones that don’t appear as coming soon on any of their lists.
The Cirencester one we found a planning approved permit for it yesterday and we added it as a permit. Click on the little speech bubble icon to find details about this in the relevant discuss forum.
This one wasn’t on any of the tesla sources for a coming soon location… we have more information than Tesla here.

Tesla recently updated their map with better locations and more info (and we can now link to them(again)) so we have added a lot recently based this and I think the UK is covered now with the recent ones I added this week.
(tbh we probably need to get rid of some of permits that never appeared from years ago)

For France I guess traditionally we don’t know as much about permits which could be not as easy to find that information to less people looking for it. There will be more pins from the Tesla map added to our site soon. There are a lot of places to get through.

I hope that explains a little more.


Instead of creating a new thread, I’ll post here.

The purple squares seem too big to me graphically compared to open (circle) and Construction/Permit (triangle). They have more on an impact on the map for a “Placeholder for expected or rumored site.”

I suggest matching the shape of the Construction/Permit (triangle). Consider all triangles as a site under development. Perhaps a dark blue for Permit, and a light blue for Plan and Voting (with a V in the triangle). IMHO purple is too bold of a color.

Alternatively change the shape of Plan and Voting to a smaller shape. Perhaps a diamond following the size of the triangle at the top half, and cutting/mirror the bottom half to match.

Thank you.