Blythe, CA

I’ve been in email contact with the Permit Technician in City of Blythe, CA. She says there has been NO permit issued or applied for, for a supercharger. This is a quote from the email: “I had someone contact our office just after one of the major holidays earlier this year and they spoke of developing such a charging station because the one in Quartzsite is often so full, but nothing has been submitted yet.”

1 Like uses “permit” very loosely. So, whenever a specific site is confirmed as in development it gets a blue dot regardless of whether it has actually reached the point where building permits are applied for. For these pre-permit sites, usually they are identified through Zoning/Planning Commission applications but sometimes it’s other things. In this case, it’s reported direct information from the site hosting owner/business. See the TMC thread for more info, here and here.


@curlersrock @mociaf9 - see the post from WalterB on TMC in the Quartzsite thread:

It seems I have been pre-emptive in adding Blythe - sorry! I suggest that when the Ehrenberg location is known, the Blythe pin is renamed and moved. This will save @keith from having to delete the Blythe pin (only he can delete pins).

This assumes that there isn’t further evidence of a Blythe site before then, but I expect that the sign posted by WalterB would have mentioned it, if it was.

Direct link to other relevant TMC threads:

I’m an idiot and completely forgot about my own advice. Probably worth deleting the Blythe dot. What do you think @keith?

I went ahead and deleted it.

Probably should just grant chuq permission to delete sites as well. (Would require some code change to be able to do that without also granting permission for other admin stuff, account admin, etc.).

I had hoped to make a lot of changes and improvements to the site over the last year, but have made none. There has just always been something higher priority related to my children (1 and 3 years old) to do. Maybe I should turn everything over to another developer/programmer.

The site continues to be popular. Here is a graph of unique daily visitors this year: