2 more planed SuC
-Bozüyük Bilecek
The location of those two sites seem to be directly on a street. If you have more information where those will be located please let us know, so we can add the pins.
I will check the locations both and let you know
Also the location Burdur has changed the location is (37.9098992, 30.3123398)
Gemlik, Turkey O68 site energization in progress, other stations are being activated. Opening is imminent.
Ümraniye İstanbul, Turkey installation complete. Opening also imminent. Reports suggest 8 V4 stalls.
I have contacted Tesla regarding the Supercharger expansion in Türkiye.
Tesla says respective teams will look into the situation and accelerate Supercharger installations in Türkiye in the upcoming weeks as Superchargers now have queues as a result of Tesla selling many cars than previously expected.
I expect to have more sites added to the Find Us map very soon and installations to accelerate.
yeah just spotted that 10 minutes ago. Updated the map now. Hopefully few more will follow soon.
Izmir bound for now, I believe Istanbul bound will follow very soon (maybe today?).
Next up, I expect Beşiktaş (Zorlu) and Ümraniye (Buyaka) to open. Antalya and others later on…
Btw, didn’t Tesla update the Find Us map for this month? I didn’t see any updated locations.
Istanbul bound also activated
More new locations added to the map:
- Merzifon Amasya, Turkey
Thanks. That is now marked open.
We will investigate those coming soon pins. Some of these are in the middle of nowhere and we tend not to add those but if a likely location is near the pin we can add them.
Fristly, Thanks to @arda for the good & timely follow-up!
Do you have any knowledge/information what was the outcome of the autority investigation on Otoyolu (O5 owner) & ZES, in respect to possible avtive bloking/antitrust claim?
I think cc: @melih knows that better.
No further news on that front yet.
Zorlu Supercharger now visible on the app too.
Btw MarkAntalya Supercharger installation is complete and waiting for activation as well. Latest photo:
Next up I expect:
- Umraniye Buyaka
- MarkAntalya
Superchargers to open.
I think Merzifon will be re-added and Ünye will be added.