Superchargers China

OK, I was prompted by a post from @Giles_gs, to look into this a bit more. To be honest it didn’t take much effort, I’m embarrassed I hadn’t even tried this before.

It took a bit of Google Translate trickery but the China supercharger map is accessible here:

And the list is here:

I’ve noticed that Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan superchargers get updated on both this map and the main website map. “Mainland” China doesn’t get updated at all on the main one.

Pearl River Delta region compared - China vs main. See HK and Macau match, Shenzhen and Guangzhou shows way more on the China version.

Shanghai region:

Now there are two questions:

  • Is there a feed of these locations available? (Maybe, the other URLs match, just replacing “” with “” - doing the same to the existing json feed URL should work)
  • Can integrate this feed with the main one? If the feed exists, probably, but it will take someone with web/coding knowledge, as i expect the site/database was only designed for a single source, and was never designed to take two data sources and merge them. @keith has said he doesn’t have the time to do major updates, but he has put the code on github for others to submit patches. ( source code now on github )