So there’s good news and bad news.
Good news, @Pluto, you don’t need to worry about importing the sites from the feed and working out how to merge them - Tesla has added them to their international map!
Bad news …
We have a lot of sites to add.
Many questions… should the entries for these new sites be removed from the changelog? (i.e. just add “silently” so they don’t show up on the changes tab)
We should probably discuss, for consistency, what should we put for some fields:
- Open date - today’s date until further notice? There were a couple of instances of Tesla opening 20 or 30 in a day, I think maps and list of names were included.
- Discussion URL - probably
- Power (kW) - Some sites have V3 in the name or description. Probably make those ones 250 kW and the remainder 150 kW
“New national standard” I believe refers to GB/T plug. All superchargers in China use this. I don’t think it needs to be specifically included in the name. Note Hong Kong and Macau use CCS2.
Many of the existing sites have also changed names and tesla ids - we can worry about those later though!
Finally, there were probably a few that have been manually added in the past couple of years. The huges ones that made the news for example. These should probably be the first ones to be updated so we don’t accidentally add duplicates.
Any other possible issues I’ve missed?