Rødekro, Denmark - 16, not 6 Chargers


I just registered because I noticed the Super Charger at Rødekro, Denmark is registered as having 6 chargers. That is not correct, there’s 16 chargers. It is slightly confusing though as they are split between two parking lots.

Google maps isn’t updated, but here’s an image of another map where I have marked the two locations the chargers are placed: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgxptpXmYzV1pxqandBbDTY1Dm9H?e=ebTSg9

Thanks @jramskov, I have updated the site to 16 stalls.
Do you happen to know when the 10 new were installed?
Curious if people will spot the new ones because it looks like you have to use a different exit to reach them.

I reverted the change back to 6 since we - unlike the Tesla Website - have two sites for the two nearby locations:

Sorry, my mistake. I was looking at https://supercharge.info/changes and was checking for updates to Rødekro, not noticing the Åbenrå site.

I can provide another bit then: The “Discuss” link for the Rødekro site doesn’t exist. The forum still exist (it’s a great danish Tesla forum) but I don’t know why the Rødekro thread is gone. The Åbenrå link still works, perhaps Rødekro should link to the same thread?

@Roberto Reading the Åbenrå thread, it seems the 10 extra stalls arrived in late 2018.

Ah, clear.